Together we grow

“Around 72% of the working population in Rwanda is employed in agriculture. Implementation of new innovation will help the nation to shift towards a knowledge based economy.”

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

We help early-stage ventures solve problems and innovate within agriculture. Our mission is to enable ambitious entrepreneurs with tools and support to execute sustainable change. Our most important goal is to empower a generation of problem solvers in Rwanda.


Change through supporting local entrepreneurs.

We believe that the most sustainable way of ensuring a prosperous future for Rwanda, is to empower local entrepreneurs to solve local problems. Our belief is derived from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, who said:

“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime.”


Ready to join the movement?

The strength of Envisage is the co-creation and collaboration between young people on two different continents. Joined together by a commitment to create positive change in order to have a better tomorrow.

Paradigm shifts are seldom done in one night and thus, we need more collaborators and innovators to join our cause.


“We joined Envisage with an idea, after two months we already have a working prototype and have generated our first revenue ”

— Hydrofeeds Network

 Supporting Partners

Let’s meet up in real life or e-meet, our mutual success is based on our co-creation and collaboration.